Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happily Married for a Lifetime by Larry Koenig, Phd (B3)

Happily Married for a Lifetime is a book that contains valuable information on staying happily married. It gives you tested strategies for anticipating and solving problems-before they destroy your marriage. Here are just a few of the things you will learn in Happily Married for a Lifetime: 

How to establish a Positive Vision for your marriage
Nine ways successful couples express their love daily
How to forgive heartbreak and pain
The single myth that can torpedo your marriage
Taming the money monster
The secret of How we stay in Love
Putting the passion back in your sex life
Is your spouse still in love with you?
Is your marriage prepared to survive a crisis?
The ten commandments of a Happy Marriage
The key to solving all marital conflict
Why people resist marriage counseling
What to do if your spouse is addicted to alcohol of drugs

Trade Paperback
Very Good Condition